Tuesday, January 15, 2008


It's not that I haven't been thinking lately. Discovery just seems so much less profound when someone is being paid to help you along with the process. For example, psychology class is fascinating. I've learned that ADHD is much less real than we think, and that lots of answers to prayer are most likely just placebos and self-fulfilling prophecies (sort of casts a different light on "your faith has made you whole"). In music history, I've been learning about the unearthly sounds of modern music, such as the use of atonality (meaning the song has no key or tonal centre—conservatives: if you think rock music is of the devil, wait until you hear this!). And leadership has been popping up in little places telling me what my strengths are, and what a strength is in a first place. And the most exciting, for me at least, is that I'm (attempting) learning some of the most famous and hardest arias in opera history (i.e. "Fiiiiigaro, Fiiiiiigaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro...."). At least it seems that way.

So why is my mind so numb?

Maybe it has to do with my lumpy shrivelly feet. I don't know where they came from, but I know that I went on a ski trip on Sunday and the next day I woke up and found the areas between my heel and arch on both feet, er, shriveled. It's very bizarre. At first I freaked out and thought it was athlete's foot, but the symptoms don't match at all. Perhaps the strangest thing is that they don't feel itchy or painful or uncomfortable in any way, and don't smell any worse than usual. But those lumps just aren't going away. Maybe I've contracted a foreign foot fungus, and I can be sold in a museum. That's one way to make bike money! So, if you, the reader, happen to be a dermatologist, any diagnosis?

The good news is that I am the proud owner of a brand spankin' new

which means my water intake is going to go up. It's even sexier than the picture! It's very shiny and comfortable in the hand (ellipses beat circles any day!) and just the right size. Thanks to Katie, I am now one more step towards being relatively cancer-free. (For the others, check out these bottles at mysigg.com. Way rockin'-er than Nalgene.)


Katie said...

What I do when I feel a lack of profundity:
-listen to truly great music (loud Sigur Ros can make my soul stir, currently)
-wear red shoes--seriously, it works
-gaze into the sun (entirely possible that that's just me)
-send a note of love and appreciation to someone
-have a good conversation with someone who "gets me," or someone who doesn't but is open to discussion anyway.
-drink good coffee, slowly, while doing nothing else, or reading a good book that is not required for school

Congrats on your Sigg! (I'm almost ready for a new one, I've used and abused mine so much!)

j.tome said...

i like this water bottle. i appreciate your words. also, i was happy to find comments from you on my long-neglected blogs (neglected by me, that is). your comment about east-coast churches made me laugh. and i wondered, "is the reason that it rubbed me wrong because my mindset is similar?" scary. in response to katie's comment, i also like to get outside and dance. or at least walk. hey, and have you tried snowshoeing? lastly (since this should end before it gets any longer), i feel glad to find your new home -- "words." glad you're still here!

j.tome said...

"does the reason that it rubbed me wrong have to do with the niggling feeling that my mindset can easily be the same?" may make more sense. drat editing.